Saturday, November 30, 2019


Stop lying you old senile part Malay racist fool , who is married to a Tamil and thanks to her relatives is now living in Australia. The only thing that exists is the pleasure of domination and concern for self. The bottom line, I could sense, he is having great fun out of poor, innocent sinhalas. Have the people of Sri Lanka not suffered enough! Nayakas have always been considered foreigners in Tamilnadu. Some International players may be more interested in simpler things such as wooing our tourists! asadisa sri lanka song

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He had to devise cricket terminology to describe cricketing actions - this was uncharted territory in Sinhala; his words to describe various aspects of cricket are used to this day.

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They are also the same people assdisa out about extinction! He was a rare breed, a "teenage broadcaster" launching a broadcasting career with Radio Ceylon, which he joined in at the age of Now go to Kochi or Thoothukudy South India and look at the Mukkuva people physical featuresdo they look exactly like your relatives?

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Stop lying you old senile part Malay racist foolwho is married to a Tamil and thanks to her relatives is now living in Australia. But Ranjia I agree this African origin but you guys stopped evolving and to date remain the same. This animal Homo sapiens is capable of violence for survival whether it be physical, social or economic which revolves around POWER.

This nonsense was only started after independence by racist Sinhalese leaders like DS Senanayake, Bandaranaike etc asadisq all of recent South Indian origin, to deliberately make the Indian origin estate labour stateless. He was an instant hit with the general public and remained a pop icon until his death.

Of course, when the rulers converted to Islam, with influence from Arab traders, the population too converted similar to Devanampiyatiisa who converted the Lankan population to Buddhists. Again a heritage not to be proud of! How can Australia or New Zealand be white countries?

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The Government of Sri Lanka named a road after him in the capital city of Colombo. Yet another dumb article. BTW Bandara is a name and a title which comes from Baandagarika, as they were entrusted with the royal treasuries and stores.

Srimavavo Mother or Grand Mother is a Malayalee.

The Paranoia Of Extinction; The Reality!

Who cares about the blood we have when they are of the same colour and with the same constituents! Nazeem, proof of the pudding in the eating. One also has to realize that the fertility rate comes down with literacy and increased standards of living. Again, a hotchpotch of multiple genetic material like the Sinhalese.

The father of the Dravidian movement Periyar belonged to a Kannada speaking Naicker community.

At the same time their progeny would move away and be alienated from Race and Religion! This is our new found land well before over thousand years ago. They may soon even go about wearing a lion dress as a national dress as shown in the above picture.

Some of our great patriots from the Southern coast may be originally from South India?? Hardly royal or nobility. June Learn how and when to remove this template message. Kanka can only be explained historically by the large scale assimilation of Sinhalese into Tamils following centuries of South Indian rule i.

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But if one tells a lie then he has to go on lying for ever covering up one after other. This works out to approximatelyabortions take place annually. I like your comments, absolutely hilarious. September von fertequality. These people are so selfish trying to keep their own family small for social and economic reasons but want the other Sinhala women to reproduce!

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They were Indians from Bengal. Retrieved from " https: Do not talk bullshit Dear friends.

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