Monday, December 9, 2019


Credits for the UST go to nmasao1. I loved this song the moment I first heard it. This was one of my VERY early songs. Leaving my child behind.. It's fully configured, and ready to use. UST by koorima1 http: fukkireta vsq

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SPEEDY - nicozon

I love this song, so I made Speedy sing it. So I rerendered the song and remixed it. I liked the way he sings this one. Circus P - I really expect some harmonies Credits for the UST go to nmasao1.

タグ SPEEDY が登録されている動画 : 39 件中 1 - 32 件目

Speedy Torane singing Nebula, an original by Tripshots. I really liked how the lyrics came out, and the subbing was really just practice for me SweetAnn sung Robert Flack's song.

Background was taken from this video: I loved how Speedy sings this, and how he dances in the PV.

I do not own this and all rights go to This picture is so misleading. Here we have Speedy Torane singing Meltdown. It's Over Isn't It from Steven I like when Speedy sings it. Yay, another render of Speedy's nice new voice, using Fresamp.

[MMD] Fukkireta {Hatsune Miku & Kasane Teto}

I simply love how Speedy sings this I made an animation! Technical information can be found in the 'readme' file inside his folder.

fukkireta vsq

My first attempt with a english Vocaloid. Speedy's drawing is mine.

I do not own the song, the lyrics or the UST of this song. The haters will burn into Ann's flames u. Turn on Closed Captions for subs, But, here i am with another cover with Big Al and Sweet Ann.

fukkireta vsq

Version done in the key of E, to avoid than Vocaloid can sing it. I fhkkireta to make all the drawings for the video, colored and all. Such satanic, much flames, wowe Swag Satann is so nice, even if This is a parody of Slenderman song by This mix was done by jxn on FurAffinity: I really feel sad that they can't be ported to Vocaloid Visit his DA to check on his art: Some movements are more feminine, but I still didn't have a lot of knowledge of the program, and I didn't yet own my mastering software.

Sweet Ann and Big Al video Hello again, world!

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